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How are the sound samples pro­duced for the product pages?

It's very important that the Demo Sound Samples we produce and present online have a good sound quality and are genuine and true to the original sound.

The recordings are done in our own studios. The instruments and equipment are taken directly out of the warehouse and are recorded without any fine tuning or modifications being made. A team of outstanding musicians, who are responsible for mastering the sound samples, pay special attention to the quality and ensure that the sound stays authentic to the original sound. There should be nothing that sounds better on than in real life. We could otherwise have just taken the samples offered by the suppliers ;-)

Sound samples of effects, amps etc are produced using Reamping. Here a standardised, clean signal can be played onto the item and played back. You won't hear any difference in the sound and performance of the sound samples, thus giving you a fair comparison of all the items in one product group. Reamping is a recognised studio standard. Unique sound productions with a MIDI connection has a standardised MIDI File played and the produced sound is recorded.

Honesty: Due to the fact that our sound samples are not optimised for each item or piece of equipment, you may find that our samples are not as perfect as a sample that was arranged especiially for that one product.

To create absolute transparency, we have documented each piece of equipment used (eg which mic, which audio interface etc.) The Info-Button shown in the Audio-Player of each audio clip allows you to see the list of equipment. It doesn't get more transparent than that!

We have Audio-Demos for the hottest products on the market in nearly all our product groups. From accordians to synthesizers, we have it! The demos are linked to each of our products allowing you to sit back and comfortably listen to the demos on the relevant product pages. Simply use the Audio Player shown on the right hand side or in the drop down menu shown below the product description.

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