First, This amp DOES run on either 110 or 220. I communicated with Udo Klempt-Gießing, directly, and he told me this directly in an email. There is a switch on the bottom of the amp that switches the voltage. Just slide the switch to the desired voltage, install the correct fuse, and you are good to go. I am in the US and I have one. Now onto the review.......
The first thing you notice when you unpack this amp in, is how smooth the controls are, you can feel the quality immediately. All of the different sections of the amp, the drive/voice, EQ all function perfectly. If you run the amp with the EQ, and drive/voice off and you will hear exactly what your bass really sounds like. I use a little drive just to add some a little growl, and that is about it. This is the most accurate amplifier I have ever used, and I have had quite a few, Mesa Subway WD800, and the D-800+, Genzler, GK, EBS, TecAmp, just to name a few, and the Steamhammer is a far superior product. My only complaint is, the amp is so accurate, my mistakes come through loud and clear.
IMHO, This amp is far and away the absolute finest Class D amp on the market I have found to date. I have been manufacturing boutique bass cabinets for over 20 years, and have given seminars on sound, and I have finally found the amp I have always been looking for. And one more thing, I just love saying "Glockenklang Steamhammer" Coolest name ever.
Do not pass go, Buy this amp now, you will never regret it.