The business Hal Leonard Corporation was founded in the year 1947 by Harold 'Hal' Edstrom. The principal office of the business Hal Leonard Corporation is in Wisconsin (USA).
You can find 793 Hal Leonard products at Thomann 694 of them are ready for dispatch . Hal Leonard has been a part of our range since 1997.
Hal Leonard products are very popular with musicians! Every 90th Thomann customer has bought at least one Hal Leonard product at Thomann.
With a total of 11963 media, reviews and test reports about Hal Leonard products you will find a substantial amount of additional information on our website e.g. the following 7139 product images, 82 demo sounds and 4742 user reviews.
A total of 273 Hal Leonard products are top sellers at Thomann at the moment, amongst others in the following categories Fake books, Piano Songbooks, Jazz Play Alongs, Effects Books, Flexible Ensembles, Bass Tab and Guitar Videos.
Our current first choice is the following product Hal Leonard 100 Most Popular Songs Git. The absolute hit amongst Hal Leonard products is the following item Hal Leonard Real Book 1 C. More than 3.000 pieces have been bought from us already.
Hal Leonard products belong to the most hits on our website. Within the last month products from this manufacturer have had over 850.000 hits on the Thomann Online Store.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on